CPS Tuition & Financial Aid


全球赌博十大网站提供独特的基督教学术卓越. 我们提供一个转型的学习经验,将帮助您实现您的职业目标,在您可以承受的成本. 

全球赌博十大网站是全美最实惠的基督教大学之一, 这意味着你可以用更少的钱获得转型的学习经历. 如果你正在寻找一种让你的教育更负担得起的方法, our enrollment coaches will work with you to explore your options.


Steps to pursuing your educational path with Carson-Newman…

1. 选择一所经济实惠的基督教大学,这所大学有很高的社会流动性排名,并且以学术卓越而闻名.

a. 基督教高等教育不仅帮助你实现你的职业目标, 但它可以帮助你在为基督的国度有目标和使命的生活中茁壮成长. A Christian university will not only teach you a vocation, 但它也会告诉你,你的职业是如何符合神对你的目的的! A Biblical worldview is worth it!

b. Find a university that offers a low tuition rate from the outset. Financial aid is great, but what if you do not qualify for it, or if it is only for a certain number of hours? 全球赌博十大网站专业研究学院提供低学费,同时提供卓越的学术成就, great financial aid…AND a high social mobility ranking.

  • $420 / credit hour for undergraduate degrees
  • $528 / credit hour for master’s degrees (on average)
  • No undergraduate or graduate application fee

卡森-纽曼提供全国最低和最实惠的学费之一. 我们保持低学费,因为我们的使命是帮助你充分发挥你的潜力,实现你的教育 & career goals.

2. Discover ways to lower your costs.

a. Transferring previously earned college credit. 如果你有任何现有的大学学分,转学是一个节省时间的方法 & money. 我们接受最多84学分的学士学位和6-12学分的研究生学位. Talk with one of our enrollment coaches today, 我们会开始领取你的成绩单并接受你的学分.

b. Using your military benefits. 你可以获得最多40小时军事训练的转学学分. 不管你还有多少剩余的学费,都可以用来支付你的军事教育福利:双赢.

c. 通过完成学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)寻求联邦和州资助. 填写FAFSA是免费的,这是一个简单的方法来了解哪个州 & 你可以得到联邦援助,这可以大大减少你的开支. To fill out your FAFSA, click here- C-N’s School Code is: 003481

d. Using employer tuition assistance. 你的雇主可能有这个福利,它可以帮助你支付部分或全部的学位费用. Ask in your HR department about this. They can help you or point you to the right people who can help.

3. Develop a plan with us.

我们的财务援助人员直接与您合作,为您独特的财务援助需求制定定制计划. 与我们的财政援助工作人员交谈或访问他们的页面了解更多信息.

Financial Aid Information

College of Professional Studies Tuition

我们的使命是帮助学生充分发挥他们的潜力,为他们提供有意义的职业和繁荣的生活,我们这样做的方法之一是让你的教育尽可能负担得起,同时不牺牲学术卓越和提供高社会流动性的结果. 我们可负担的学费和费用可能因课程,地点和学生身份而异.

Undergraduate ProgramsPer Credit Hr.Tech Fee (PCH)
Business Administration$420N/A
Professional Studies$420N/A
Computer Science$420N/A
Addictions Certificate$420N/A
Behavioral Health Certificate$420N/A
Servant Leadership Certificate$420N/A
Graduate ProgramsPer Credit Hr.Tech Fee (PCH)
Master of Education (MEd)$505N/A
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$555N/A
MBA (Business) Americorp (20% off)$455N/A
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)$650$55
Master of Accountancy $635N/A
Master of Science in Counseling$530N/A
Christian Coaching Certificate$450$55
Christian Counseling Certificate$450$55
Master of Divinity$555 ($355 SBC)N/A
Master of Arts in Teaching$450$55
Master of Arts in Applied Theology$505N/A
FNP Certificate$650 online
$680 on-ground
Doctoral ProgramsPer Credit Hr.Tech Fee (PCH)
Education Specialist (EdS)$580$55
Doctor of Education (EdD)$580$55
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)$905N/A

Exceptional Christian Education at a Lower Cost!

专业研究学院的使命是帮助学生充分发挥他们的潜力,为他们提供有意义的职业和繁荣的生活. As a nonprofit Christian university, 我们对你的成功的承诺意味着我们尽我们所能保持低成本,并找到降低你的总体学费的方法. Joining C-N on the path to reaching your educational & career goals will be a decision you will not regret.


Programs that advance your career and life goals


Financial Aid Process

那么,你想要更进一步,在卡森-纽曼探索你的可能性? That is great news! 下面的步骤可以帮助你找到C-N对你来说有多实惠. 

Step 1 – Fill out a FAFSA form. To do that, click here- Carson-Newman’s School Code is 003481.

Step 2 – Talk to our great Financial Aid staff ( or visit our financial aid page on our website. To go there now, click here- 

There may be additional actions to take along the way, 但遵循这些简单的步骤会让你接触到那些可以与你同行的人. 

financial resources

全球赌博十大网站专业研究学院致力于使您的教育之旅尽可能负担得起. 看看我们为你准备的一些资源,让它成为现实. 

No Out-of-State Tuition

作为一所非营利性的私立基督教大学,没有所谓的州外学费. Pay the same tuition anywhere you are in the world!

Your Path to Reaching Your Full Potential Starts Here

Connect with an enrollment coach to explore program requirements, curriculum, transfer credit evaluations and financial aid options. Contact them today at

Talk with an Enrollment Coach
Learn More About Your Program

我们创新的课程和灵活的课程为您未来的成功做好准备. Complete the Request Information form to discover your next steps!

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